KORYAK has an excellent track record at the State and Local Government levels of the Public Sector.
KORYAK moved the Parking Court from the City of Pittsburgh to the Pittsburgh Parking Authority in 8 weeks.
KORYAK designed and built the Pennsylvania Treasury eContracts Library portal within a matter of 4 months when other larger companies said they could not meet the legislative time frame. The competing products would have also cost four times as much. If you consider the annual maintenance cost as well, the Total Cost of Ownership is perhaps one of the lowest for a product that has been in production since 2008.
KORYAK's track record of providing technical migration roadmaps to governments at the state and local levels gives these groups the ability to optimize the use of their current technologies while more effectively planning for the future. We have extensive experience in matching Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software solutions to the requirements, needs, budgets and existing software portfolios of government entities.